RhineBuzz Workshops, Museum Kunst Palast

Building tiny ‘Yves Klein‘ models
to soak with pigment

Our RhineBuzz arts workshops at Museum Kunst Palast are one of our happiest, most looked-forward to events.

We now have set dates in the Museum Kunst Palast calendar for 2016, so I have put together a very small round up of images of past events. 
Each event is completely different as regards to which medium we work in, but each one is the same in that we benefit hugely from being able to see a small highlight of the current exhibition at the museum and then after considering the techniques used, we head for the well-equipped studio to give these techniques a go ourselves.
These sessions are not about how ‘good‘ your creative talent is, but about understanding how the arts process works by actually creating yourself. Most are quite astounded at what they can achieve, but it really is the process that is the focus here and not the result.

Prints in all colours, in many techniques,
following the Picasso graphics exhibition

The sessions are not only fun, but they take many to a place they have not visited in their adult, working life: 
'A complete Zen zone'
'I didn‘t think of anything else but colour and the brush and forms I was creating for two hours. No phone, no chat, no meetings ... it was so relaxing. Awesome!‘
'I haven‘t done anything like this since I was in high school. It was very liberating. I LOVED it!‘

Next date is 
Sunday November 22 from 15-17:00
Cost €29 inc entry to the current exhibition
 Zurbarán, Master of Detail
and all materials in the studio

Please email arts@rhinebuzz.com for payment details
Full payment must be made by November 15 to reserve 
one of the limited spaces
Museum Kunstpalast 
Ehrenhof 4-5
40479 Düsseldorf

Making videos, having seen the
Nam June Paik exhibition

Paik is known the ‘Godfather of MTV‘

Colour study following a glimpse at Katarina Grosse‘s
sumptuous colour installation, here we are making shapes
to then immerse and surround with colour 

Katarina Grosse
Inside the Speaker